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Kanury Rao's New Research for Detecting Cancer

Among many causes of death, globally, cancer can be among the top ones. The illness may have always been on a rise. It may be astonishing to learn that it can be observed more in the case of females in some countries. Among the millions of cases occurring in the world every year, women can be at high risk.

For reducing the risk, several techniques or tests may have been developed. A new contribution to these has been made by Kanury Rao. The immunologist's new research has been based on the detection of cancer as it gets formed in an early stage. As a result of this, he has been able to develop a useful technology that can probably help find the presence of cancer cells long before the condition becomes difficult to be treated.

With Mr. Rao's research, the technology discovered can check the molecule metabolites present in the blood. These metabolites are checked under high resolution. In doing so, an AI-based algorithm is utilized to understand the pattern in the blood. This pattern is studied to understand whether cancer development is being observed.

This technology can be efficient for detecting types of cancer in women. Usually, breast cancer can be the type affecting them. The next most-observed type can be cervical cancer. Nearly 5 percent of cases can be of uterine cancer. In addition to these, certain other types such as uterine and cervix can also be identified with Kanury Rao's finding. In all, the symptoms of the illness in women, as per the type, can be easily found.

The research-based technology has shown promising results while the tests were being conducted to check it. It was seen that the detection was at Stage 0/1, also understood as an initial stage. The potential of this stage can be enormous. It can be said that with the development of Stage 021, the potential may increase. Thus, more achievements may be expected.

According to the immunologist, conducting the research to come up with the platform featuring this technology may not have been easy. However, working on it has been worthwhile. The major benefit of it has been to identify cancer earlier. As per Kanury Rao, it can also be useful for increasing the life of patients diagnosed with the illness.

The research can be majorly significant for women in India. Due to socio-economic factors, treatment may not be possible for some of them, especially when cancer has reached a later stage and requires a greater sum to be cured. Beyond this country as well, females can access its benefits. With this vision in mind, the research has been given effect.

To every individual who hopes to benefit from the technology, its ease can be experienced. With only a few blood drops, a single test can be done to observe accurate results. The benefits of the platform can extend to doctors and professionals in the medical industry as well. For years, a number of technologies or techniques may have been created or worked upon for identifying cancer just as it begins. With this technology being successful, time can be saved and detection can be made easier.

Understanding that cancer can be one of the illnesses that can be hard to treat, a technology like this one may have been much needed. Looking at its benefits, its usage can be noteworthy. As the usage begins, it is hoped that doctors are able to diagnose patients at the soonest and suggest the best cure. Thus, making the number of cases reduce as much as possible.


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